Douro-Dummer Invests in Two Local Roads Projects

The Township of Douro-Dummer invested more than $230,000 into two local roads projects between 2022 and 2023.

Both Payne Line Road and Cooper Road were in desperate need of repair. Both road surfaces had deteriorated to the point where full resurfacing was the only option for improving safety and drivability.

Although they are both rural roads, Cooper and Payne Line see combined traffic counts of more than 350 vehicles a day and serve 25 households.

Completion of this work means safer travel for motorists and improved road conditions for residents.


Cooper Road in Douro-Dummer.
Cooper Road in Douro-Dummer.
Payne Line Road in Douro-Dummer.
Payne Line Road in Douro-Dummer. 


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